Java lwjgl 2.9 texture documentation
Java lwjgl 2.9 texture documentation

However, unless you want the challenge of both writing a Collada importer, and supporting it for the minor variations that different programs produce, your probably better off using a library with an established importer. There may also be a link to the spec somewhere in there as well. A bit more information on Collada can be found on Wikipedia, mainly the links to various libraries capable of loading and parsing Collada files. The best information I have found on loading Collada files is this tutorial by Wazim. Collada, on the other hand, is much more complex. In terms of writing parsers for the OBJ and Collada file formats, Wikipedia describes the format well enough that with a simple sample file you can write a loader. However, due to their plain text format, and the fact they need to be processed, loading them is generally rather slow when compared to a binary optimized file format. Collada has a much more complex XML based structure that is much more difficult to parse. If you know what section you are reading, you can process the line appropriately. Collada on the other hand contain both geometry data and optionally skeletal structure and motion data, along with scene information (eg light sources, camera), and a texture and material atlas.īoth file formats are regarded as interchange formats for transfering model data between modelling programs and to/from game SDK's.įormat wise, both are a plain text file format, with the OBJ file having one entry per line, making it easy to be read a parsed. It does not contain any sort of skeletal structure or motion data. Your basic OBJ, or Object Wavefront file only contains geometry data - vertices, normals, texture co-ords, and optionally material data in an second file.

Java lwjgl 2.9 texture documentation